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Si alguna vez ha tomado un curso de administración del tiempo, probablemente se haya enfrentado a la frustración de tratar de administrar mejor su tiempo y no tener éxito.
Esto se debe a que la gestión del tiempo es un mito.
Lo que este curso le enseñará es el concepto de "Gestión de tareas". En otras palabras, le enseñará cómo realizar tareas de mayor valor, de modo que obtenga un rendimiento 10 veces mayor por todo el trabajo que realiza cada hora.
Usando los principios de la regla 20/80 y la ley de Parkinson, aprenderá cómo aumentar el valor de las cosas que hace dentro de su tiempo limitado, de modo que pueda tener un impacto hasta 200 veces mayor de lo que hace.
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If you have ever taken a time management course, you've probably faced the frustration of trying to manage your time better and not succeeding.
If you have ever taken a time management course, you've probably faced the frustration of trying to manage your time better and not succeeding.
This is because time management is a Myth.
What this course will teach you, is the concept of "Task Management." In other words, it will teach you how to accomplish more high value tasks, so that you get a 10X greater return for all of the work you put in every hour.
If you have ever taken a time management course, you've probably faced the frustration of trying to manage your time better and not succeeding.
This is because time management is a Myth.
What this course will teach you, is the concept of "Task Management." In other words, it will teach you how to accomplish more high value tasks, so that you get a 10X greater return for all of the work you put in every hour.
What this course will teach you, is the concept of "Task Management." In other words, it will teach you how to accomplish more high value tasks, so that you get a 10X greater return for all of the work you put in every hour.